A complimentary consultation is required for all new clients. During your consultation, we will go over your concerns, educate you on your options and formulate a plan that best meets your needs. If you would like to proceed with treatment, we can typically accommodate you at the time of your appointment. Thank you and we look forward to meeting you!

At Beauty by Bea we have a strict cancellation policy: There is a non-refundable charge of $49 to book your appointment. This payment will go towards your service upon checkout. Cancellations with less than 24 hours will incur a $49 charge, no-shows will result in immediate termination.

Unfortunately, due to the nature of our services, we are unable to accommodate children in the treatment rooms or waiting in the lobby. Please arrange childcare prior to your visit as no children are allowed. 


HydraFacial is the only hydradermabrasion procedure that combines cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, hydration and antioxidant protection simultaneously, resulting in clearer, more beautiful skin with no discomfort or downtime. The treatment is soothing, moisturizing, non-invasive and non-irritating. $279+

Nano Infusion Facial (Microchanneling Collagen Induction Therapy)

This treatment includes dermaplaning and a customized infusion for your skin condition. Nano Infusion Facial, reduces fine lines and wrinkles leaving your skin feeling and looking younger. Decreases and signs of aging by painlessly creating thousands or microscopic permeations on the surface of the skin increasing plumpness and greater absorption of nutrients thereby hydrating and re-energizing your skin’s natural beauty over the long term. $229+

GLO 2 Facial

This treatment provides exfoliation, and then oxygenates the skin with a unique applicator. Ultrasonic vibrations infuse a nourishing gel. This treatment provides visible results in one session.. This facial offers a unique, three-in-one facial treatment that works both on the outside and the inside of the skin, combining clinically proven treatments that encourage the natural skin renewal and replenishment processes.  This treatments can be offered to a wide variety of skin types, ages and needs, making it a perfect solution for ongoing maintenance of the skin, for targeted treatment of specific skin conditions, and for maintenance and enhancement of skin improvement following a surgical procedure. $229+

Signature Besoke fACIAL with Dermaplaning or Microdermabrasion

May include the following based on the results of the consultation and skin analysis: cleansing, steam, a choice of medical-grade exfoliation (Dermaplaning - to exfoliate dead skin cells and remove fine hairs, revealing a silky-smooth and glowing complexion. Step it up a notch with an enzyme peel for an even brighter and smoother skin; Diamond Microdermabrasion - a mechanical medical-grade form of exfoliation that will brighten your look by removing layers of dead skin cells.), a light enzymatic mask, facelift mask, facial massage, microcurrent, LED light therapy, extractions (if needed), hydrating mask, treatment serums, moisturizer, sunscreen. $229+

Chemical Exfoliation

This superficial peel exfoliates and improves the tone, texture, and clarity of your skin. $169+

A series of treatments spaced one month apart is recommended for the best results.

Keratin Lash Lift + Tint

Keratin Lash Lift allows you to offer your customers luscious lifted lashes that will last for weeks, in the blink of an eye. Just one 45 minute professional treatment is all it takes to deliver a sumptuous lash lift + tinted that is retained, even after a shower or swimming, lasting for 6-8 and even 12 weeks. $129

Brow Lami + SHAPE + TINT

Enhance your eyebrows with our comprehensive brow service, including lamination, shaping, and tinting. This treatment lasts up to 6-8 weeks and is suitable for all hair types, colors, and skin tones. $139

HD Brows

HD brows are a combination of seven steps to help create the desired brow shape and design for each individual client. It consists of designing, waxing, tinting, threading, tweezing, trimming, and finishing the brows. $49


LED Light Therapy

A great anti-aging treatment to add onto any service to help diminish fine lines and wrinkles, speed healing, encourage cell turnover, and boost collagen production. 

Clear and Brilliant Skin Rejuvenation Laser Treatment

Clear + Brilliant is a laser resurfacing facial treatment that uses pulsating beams of light to exfoliate away layers of skin to reveal a smoother, clearer complexion. It’s commonly referred to as “baby Fraxel” because it uses the same technology—just not nearly as intense. This rejuvenating treatment has clinical studies to validate its effectiveness in giving you younger looking, more radiant skin. After around a week of recovery, you're supposed to see reduction in fine lines, smaller pores, better skin texture and tone.

A series of treatments spaced one month apart is recommended for the best results. (Free Consultation)

Viva Microneedling with RF

Advanced treatment that combines the benefits of radio frequency skin tightening with fractional collagen induction, microneedling. Complete a series of three for the best results.

This treatment requires a $99 test pulse session to determine if you are a candidate.

Microneedling (Collagen Induction Therapy)

This collagen building treatment stimulates your body’s own natural repair system. Fine lines are diminished, skin is tightened and lifted, scarring is reduced.

A series of treatments spaced one month apart is recommended for best results.  (Free Consultation)

Laser Hair Removal

This treatment uses laser energy to target the hair follicle in the growth phase. Treatments must be done in a regularly scheduled series of at least 6 sessions for best results. (Free Consultation)

Photo Rejuvenation + Dyschromia Reduction

Acne Treatments/Sun Damage Treatments/Redness Reduction. This anti-aging treatment can minimize pores, improve acne scarring, reduce redness, improve fine lines, as well as reduce acne breakouts and control oiliness. Sun damage or age spots can be targeted, turn darker brown after treatment and flake off, revealing lighter skin underneath. For best results, recommend a series of 3. (Free Consultation)


Cryolipolysis, getting rid of fat cells by freezing them, is here and it works! You’ll lose about 22% of the fat in the treated area in this amazing body contouring treatment. Its the only FDA cleared treatment for ‘fat reduction’ that is non-invasive. No surgery. No downtime. You MUST have a consultation to determine if you’re an appropriate candidate and then you’ll get information on our special pricing. (Free Consultation)

Fractional Radio Frequency

A dynamic treatment that combines the benefits of radio frequency skin tightening with fractional skin rejuvenation. Complete a series of 3 for the best results. (Free Consultation)

Body Contouring/Cellulite Reduction 

This is a new FDA cleared radio frequency treatment for fat reduction, cellulite reduction and skin tightening. Its approved for face and body. A series of 8 treatments spaced weekly to biweekly give the best results. A maintenance treatment every 3 to 6 months is recommended. (Free Consultation)